Global GIGA-Casting Congress 2025:
New GIGA-Casting developments and applications


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Roberto BOEKER

Managing Partner

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Tel: +1 248 9625086

Global GIGA-Casting Congress:

The first Global GIGA-Casting Congress in Kassel on March 5th & 6th, 2025 is addressed to people from all over the world, who are interested in new GIGA-Casting developments and applications.
The congress is hosted by the Chair for Foundry-Technology GTK at the University of Kassel in cooperation with ALUMAG Automotive GmbH. The congress offers an excellent opportunity for international exchange on topics relating on new GIGA-Casting technologies and strategies.
Come to the first international GIGA-Casting Congress with excellent lectures from technology and strategy experts regarding the future for new automotive casting concepts and enjoy our Foundry-Evening with the
wonderful atmosphere of the Alte Brüderkirche (Old Brother-Church) in Kassel !

Global GIGA-Casting Congress 2025

第一屆全球 GIGA-Casting 大會將於 2025 年 3 月 5 日至 6 日在卡塞爾舉行,面向來自世界各地對新 GIGA-Casting 開發和應用感興趣的人。
本次大會由卡塞爾大學鑄造技術 GTK 主席與 ALUMAG Automotive GmbH 合作主辦。
此次大會為 GIGA-Casting 新技術和策略的國際交流提供了絕佳的機會。
卡塞爾 Alte Brüderkirche(老兄弟教堂)的美妙氛圍!
2025 年 3 月 5 日と 6 日にカッセルで開催される第 1 回グローバル GIGA-Casting Congress は、新しい GIGA-Casting の開発とアプリケーションに関心のある世界中の人々に向けて開催されます。
この会議は、カッセル大学の鋳造技術 GTK 議長が ALUMAG Automotive GmbH と協力して主催します。
この会議は、新しい GIGA-Casting 技術と戦略に関するトピックについて国際交流を行う絶好の機会を提供します。
優秀な人材とともに第一回国際 GIGA-Casting Congress に参加してください。
2025년 3월 5일과 6일 카셀에서 열리는 제1회 글로벌 GIGA-Casting 회의는 새로운 GIGA-Casting 개발 및 응용에 관심이 있는 전 세계 사람들을 대상으로 합니다.
회의는 ALUMAG Automotive GmbH와 협력하여 카셀 대학의 파운드리 기술 GTK 의장이 주최합니다.
이번 총회는 새로운 GIGA-Casting 기술 및 전략과 관련된 주제에 대한 국제 교류를 위한 훌륭한 기회를 제공합니다.
제1회 국제 GIGA-Casting Congress에 탁월한 실력으로 오세요
기술 및 전략 전문가들의 미래에 대한 강의
새로운 자동차 주조 개념을 알아보고 Foundry-Evening을 즐겨보세요.
카셀에 있는 Alte Brüderkirche(Old Brother-Church)의 멋진 분위기!

ALUMAG® has extensive knowledge and worldwide contacts as well as excellent references within the automotive & aluminum-, magnesium- and composite industry. We access new markets and open doors for your business – regardless of application, material, process or product.